Sunday, February 3, 2013

Good Bye 2012

On the last day of 2012, we were invited to go sledding with the Leavitts and the Castellanos. The day after Christmas, it snowed and snowed and snowed until the snow was up to my knees. It was unreal. We had to wait for a few days for some of it to melt down and for Gordy to shovel our cars out because they were buried, but we were finally able to go out and play in the snow.

I can't remember the last time I had that much fun. 

It was bitterly cold, so after about 10 minutes, Jack was done. He was whinny pretty much the entire time, until we set him on top of the snowman that we built. He stuck his arms straight out and kept saying, "Buzzzzzzzzzz Lightyear!". Such a cutie. Meanwhile, our little angel of a baby slept peacefully in his stroller surrounded and covered with blankets to keep warm. 

That evening we ate pizza and watched a movie and ended 2012 in the most relaxed and perfect way.
2012 was a great year wasn't it? We were especially blessed this year to have Charlie-Parley join our family and for Gordy to be offered a wonderful job with Ernst and Young. 

Here is my list of resolutions for 2013. I'm already on my way to being able to check some of them off!

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