Saturday, May 26, 2012

Busy Saturday

It's the weekend!!! YAY! And being that it's the weekend, I wanted to have lots of fun things planned. In order to attract people to down town Fort Wayne, the city offers special deals on fun things to do on the last Saturday of every month. So, I picked out a couple that I thought would be fun to do...

Little did I know that the day would turn out EVEN better than I planned. First of all let me say, that I knew there was a bike race going on in the city, but I had NO IDEA that it would be running in front of our apartment... but not only running in front of our apartment, but starting and ending in front of it too. AND since there is a bike race, that means that the street has been closed to traffic since some time last night when we were asleep. That means that I had the best night sleep since we got here, and that Jack slept past 6:30 for the first time since moving in! It was wonderful, and it was even perfectly quiet during Jack's nap time too. Huge bonus. Made me wish for a bike race every day. And it was awesome that we could watch from our windows.

The first race started just as Jack was waking up from his nap. So, we ran downstairs to watch. Jack kept saying "WOOOOW!" every time the bikers would do a lap. This has been so perfect for him, because he has been really interested in bikes lately.

So anyway, we watched the first race, and Jack rang his little hand-out bell every time the bikers went by. He was so cute. MORE COWBELL!

 Then it was off to the Children's Science Museum, for half price admission day. That was a lot of fun too because Jack was older and could appreciate more of the activities. His favorites were the parachute drop, space rover maneuver-er (similar to one of those claw games when you try to pick up a teddy bear), and of course, the water table, and a tornado simulator. There was also a news anchor desk where you could talk into a microphone and pretend to be a weather man. He liked the microphone and was quite bent on shoving it as far into his mouth as he could in order to get the loudest noise possible. Jack also fell down and bonked his head pretty dang hard on the ground and gave himself a nice goose egg on his forehead. Poor little guy.

The museum was fun, so we hung out there for a couple of hours and then decided it was time for dinner. We decided that we were going to try this place called Coney Island Hot Dogs. We have heard a lot about it and it is even highly rated online. I thought that I would be safe... For those of you who know me, it takes a lot for me to eat a hot dog. I'm just not that kinda gal typically (after I witnessed first hand how they are made). Anyway, we tried it, and let's just say we won't be going back. I guess you can't trust a place called Coney Island when it is in fact located in Indiana. But it was a Fort Wayne experience that we should have had, just for the sake of it. Been there, done that.

After hot dogs, we walked back over to One Summit Square to watch more of the bike races, and listen to the Beatles cover bands that were playing as we lounged on our blanket. Such a fun way to end a busy day. Relaxing (or semi-relaxing because of Jack) while we listened to fun music in the gorgeous weather. Jack of course had fun throwing his tennis ball around, finding rocks, and squirting everyone with his spray bottle.

Now that it's after 9 p.m. and the music is still going, I must admit that the bands aren't as cool anymore. It's pretty noisy in our apartment. I guess there had to be a down side to the day some where. Oh well, at least Jack is sleeping through all of the noise (with the help of a humidifier and box fan running).

Gord's First Week of Work

Well, Gordy did it! He finished up his first week as an intern at a real live law firm. I must say, that from the outside looking in, it looks like a lot of fun. They are treating him really well too. He has worked there for five days, and they have taken him out to six meals this first week. Figure that one out. haha. The firm had a nice welcome basket waiting for Gordy in his very own OFFICE! So cool! It is so nice to see Gordy get some of these perks. He totally deserves them because of how hard he has always worked in school. Good things come to those who wait!

This was taken on Gordy's first day! So handsome and professional! Go honey, go!

On Wednesdays, Gord's firm also participates in a softball league. It was fun to get out, meet others from the firm, and watch Gordy play ball. I'll have to remember to take pictures of that some other time. In between games, someone from the firm "pitched" some balls to Jack. He was so cute trying to hit the balls on the ground with the bat.


This is the building that Gordy's law firm is in (which is right across the street from our condo).

On Friday, Jack and I made over 100 chocolate chip cookies and brought them into the firm. It's nice that we are just across the street because it's really easy to do things like that... Overall, I would say that this was a great first week of work. One down, only 11 more to go! 

Botanical Conservatory

In an effort to keep busy while Gord is at work, Jack and I have been going on lots of walks, and finding things around the city to keep us busy.

On Wednesday, we walked a block over to Fort Wayne's Botanical Conservatory. We had been hearing a lot about the special butterfly exhibit from people at the firm, the visit Fort Wayne Center, and people at church, so we thought that we would give it a try. We were told that there were hundreds and hundreds of butterflies that would come and land on you...

I thought that Jack would love it. When we got there, there weren't as many butterflies as I was expecting ( I think we came towards the end of the exhibit, so a lot of the butterflies had already kicked the bucket).

But anyway, when we got there, Jack was sort of terrified of the butterflies.  He kept calling them "scary birdies". Which was pretty entertaining to me,but not so much to him...

It took some time for me to convince him that the butterflies were actually nice, but it was still really difficult to snap a picture of Jack's face because he spent the entire time anxiously looking over his shoulder to make sure a butterfly didn't get too close to him. It also didn't help that we arrived at the same time as a 3rd grade field trip, so there were tons of bigger kids running around everywhere...

Luckily there was an old lady Jack wanted to flirt with, so he was distracted with her long enough for me to actually get a picture of him smiling. 

Overall, the conservatory was pretty cool though. There was a rain forest room with all kinds of exotic plants and a giantic waterfall and a desert room with a 300 year old blooming cactus! The set up really made you feel like you were in a rain forest or desert. It was pretty awesome. It was neat that you can sort of enter a new environment right in the heart of down town.

Of course, Jack was on his phone the entire time..

It seemed like he had the most fun running around outside in the gardens. He found an event tent set up that he thought was SO AMAZING.