You'd seriously be hard pressed to find a couple as cute as they are. They are just perfect for each other and when you look at them, you can totally tell that they are so in love.

I couldn't be any happier for my brother. He snagged a great woman.
The ceremony was beautiful and the weather was OUT-FREAKING-RAGEOUS! They seriously got married in the middle of a blizzard. The previous two days were in the mid 70s, and then BAM! We woke up the next morning to a foot of snow. We were all freezing our poor little tushies off. Especially poor Amanda in her short sleeved dress. It must have taken her ages to warm back up after all of the pictures were done. We were all hiding under umbrellas to avoid the snow, and thus we did not take any pictures. At some point in the day, both the father of the bride, and the father of the groom slipped on the wet temple square ground and fell down. Dad was quite the hero, as he was carrying the brides dress and sacrificed his body to keep the dress dry and snow free. Way to go Dad.
The snow definitely made things interesting, but it also made for some gorgeously romantic pictures. I've never seen pictures like their's before, and probably never will... I snagged this preview pic from their facebook page. Hope that's okay.... It was too gorgeous not to share.
The next evening we had the reception in Payson. It was a lot of fun to meet Amanda's family and friends, even though I was dealing with a fussy baby the entire time. And Amanda was such a good sport, because Jack didn't want to leave her side the entire time. He kept saying, "My Amanda!" and she was just as sweet as could be to him, even though it was her special night.
Oh, and did I mention they had the most GORGEOUS wedding cake!? It was to die for.
We had to bail early to catch our flight back to Florida, and its a good thing we did because after having to stop twice to calm Charlie down, and with driving through the blizzard, we made it just in the nick of time.
The next week was filled with lots of pre-wedding reception preparations, you know... shopping, cooking, and decorating. That kind of thing. Adam wanted cheesecakes instead of a wedding cake, so mom made SEVENTEEN cheesecakes. It's a miracle I didn't leave Florida weighing a million pounds after all of that.
Jack got to spend lots of quality time with Gramma and Grampa riding the golf cart and lawn mower, taking baths in their giant tub with bubbles and jets, going fishing, and horse back riding, and spending every possible second he could with them. He also got to play with his second cousins, and he even got to spend an afternoon with Cole.
The night of Adam and Amanda's Florida reception was FABULOUS! It started off a little hairy when a catastrophe with the meat left me alone to get myself and two grouchy boys ready (which I was not planning on). Once again, Adam and Amanda came to my rescue and pretty much dressed my boys for me. Those two should probably be sainted.
Anyway, the reception was so much fun. I got to catch up with so many people that I haven't seen in such a loooong time. I had more requests from people wanting to hold Charlie than I could accommodate and Jack just ran around with kids and followed Gramma around. That meant I was completely free to socialize. I can not remember when the last time I was able to do that. I just ate my BBQ and cheesecake and loved the entire night.
Since I was wrapped up in my childless- chatterbox euphoria, I neglected to take pictures once again. Whoops. Taking pictures would be SO much easier if I had a smartphone. One day.
No photography cred!?