This year, for the Lake Family Reunion, Nanny treated us all to a weeks stay in a beach house in Fort Myers Beach. Unfortunately, Gordy wasn't able to come with us because he needed to work. So, Jack and I hopped on a plane and met up with everyone in Fort Myers.
When my parents picked us up, they informed my that there were problems with the air conditioner. BUMMER. Try being 8 months pregnant, in South Florida, in July, with a one year old, and a broken air conditioner. Not ideal. Trust me. It. was. hot. Jack ended up sleeping in my parent's room where it was a little bit cooler, and I ended up sleeping on the couch, which actually turned out to be more comfortable than the bed in my room.
The next day, our family went out to eat at a really delicious seafood restaurant. Here is a picture of Adam trying their homemade hot sauce, and of course, a picture of our food. Seriously, it was so good.
The rest of the week was spent playing in the pool, shopping, and going to the beach.
Mom and I even got to have a little bit of girl time. We got pedicures and ice cream. Bliss.
The entire family went out to dinner together.
The rest of vacation was spent on the pontoon boat Nanny rented for the week. I couldn't be happier than when I'm on a boat, wind in my hair, sun on my face. It's pretty much my happy place. Jack loved it too... except for the life jacket. He hated that part.
You can see in this picture, his life jacket has been on for five seconds and already its bothering him. Poor guy.
Jack LOVED driving the boat with Grandpa.
But still hated the life jacket.
Fussing about wearing a life jacket is exhausting.
We learned quickly that that life jacket was going to work, so my parents found him another floaty-thing and it was SO much better than the first one.
Every time we took the boat out we saw dolphins. How cool is that? We also got to see lots of giant pelicans and flamingos. All of the wildlife really was amazing.
My favorite activity was taking the boat to Lover's Key. Jack LOVED the ocean and the waves. He was so excited that he constantly ran around squealing and jabbering about absolutely everything. He also loved picking up the shells on the beach, which he called "rocks". He's my little busy body.
Jack was so tired after a fun afternoon at Lover's Key that he tried to take a nap on the boat ride home. Not such an easy feat when you are wearing a life jacket...
And of course we took some family pictures.
This sequence of pictures perfectly illustrates my life these days.
So flattering to watch a pregnant lady chase her toddler. NOT.
All in all we had a really good vacation. So glad we got to spend so much time with the family.
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