Head: 40 cm.... 50th percentile
Height: 23 in.... 50-75th percentile
Weight: 10 lbs 10 oz.... 25-50th percentile
Our Charlie is two months old and looking more and more like his big brother every day.
He is such a sweet and mellow baby. Of course he has his moments, but most of the time he is so easy-going.
Charlie has been an excellent sleeper. We usually don't have any trouble getting him to fall asleep. He falls asleep every time we put him in his car seat which is a HUGE blessing. It's no fun having a baby that refuses to sleep in the car. Trust me people, we've been there and done that already.
A few weeks ago, Charlie had his first long stretch of sleeping. SEVEN HOURS! Too bad it started at 7:30 p.m. and too bad it hasn't happened since...
Charlie is a very happy little guy. He lights up as soon as you start talking to him. He's been doing a LOT of social smiling this month. He has the cutest heart-melting smile.
Charlie will follow the sound of your voice. It's kind of fun to watch him look for me when I'm talking.
Charlie had his baby blessing this month.

Charlie will "Ooooh" and "Aaaaah" at me when I talk to him.

We like to play this game where I stick my tongue out at him, and then he will mimic me. It's so cute, and it's one of his most favorite things to do. I always get a big smile out of him when we play our little game.

Charlie's favorite way to fall asleep is rocking on his dad's knees while Gordy is watching tv. It's our full proof method to get him to sleep, and so far it hasn't let us down once.

Charlie will "Ooooh" and "Aaaaah" at me when I talk to him.

We like to play this game where I stick my tongue out at him, and then he will mimic me. It's so cute, and it's one of his most favorite things to do. I always get a big smile out of him when we play our little game.
Charlie's favorite way to fall asleep is rocking on his dad's knees while Gordy is watching tv. It's our full proof method to get him to sleep, and so far it hasn't let us down once.
It has been so fun to watch Charlie grow this month, and to see how he is becoming more and more aware of his surroundings. We sure do love having him in our family, and I can't wait to see what changes this next month will bring.
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