Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Run, Run, Run

Gordy has been training for a while now, and I must say that he is a really great runner... much, much better than I could ever hope to be... So he decided that he would run a half marathon with Mitchell. So exciting!

The day before the race, we went to pick up Gordy's registration packet, and I decided to sign up for the 5K walk too... Not as impressive, I know, but keep in mind that at this point, I was 19 weeks pregnant and pushing a not-quite 1 1/2 year old in a jogging stroller for three miles. Basically propelling three people the distance of three miles. haha...

Anyway, the day started off early, and cold. Very cold. Luckily, Erin decided to walk with me and we were good company for each other. Even though we started off in dead last place, surprisingly, we didn't finish last. It did however, take us just under an hour to walk three miles... yikes. Can you say sloth? Jack had a great time though, especially when the 1/2 marathoners started passing us at around mile 2. He would yell "GO! GO! GO!" for the runners! What a good little cheerleader he was.

I am so, so, so proud of my Gordy. He RAN a HALF MARATHON (a feat that seems literally unrealistic for me)!!!Not to mention he also kept an amazing pace (9 mins 40 secs/mile). The course was pretty hilly too, which makes things so, so much harder. He still felt so good when he was all finished too. He's my idol. These next shots are after they finished. See they still look pretty good, huh? I totally look like I am in worse shape than them...

And like I said, I was so, so proud of him.

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