Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Bad Day, Good Friends

So, the other day I was having a horrendous day. Ever have one of those days where if feels like everything goes wrong and stuff is just piling on top of you? Well, that was my day. I feel like I've made the transition to having two kids pretty easily. I've been feeling pretty good, and have been able to keep the house in relatively good condition these past couple of weeks... but last week, my clean house, as well as my sense of "I can do this two kid thing" all went down the drain.

I think my iron was low, because the night before my bad day, everything suddenly got very spin-y. Every time I would move the entire room would swirl. It made me feel totally nauseous and gave me a head ache. After attempting to remedy the problem with a snack and an iron pill, and finding that nothing was curing me, I decided to go to bed to see if I could sleep it off. Didn't work. And let me tell you that it is no fun getting up five or six times a night with a new born when you feel like you are on a merry-go-round that won't stop.

The next morning, I woke up still feeling like shizz. It was all I could do to keep the boys fed and in clean diapers. I didn't want to move any more than absolutely necessary. My house was a disaster. A legitimate disaster. I guess that's what happens when you aren't CONSTANTLY picking up after a very active little boy. To top it all off, Charlie had this mysterious bump by his eye, and the pediatrician wasn't sure what it was, and so she referred us to a pediatric optometrist and the appointment was that afternoon. I had no idea how I was going to handle a spinning room, a infant, and a wild child in a room full of expensive eye glasses.  I was pretty much on the verge of tears.

If you're reading this, and thinking, "Man, oh man, this is depressing", hang on, because this is when the story gets SO much better.

My amazing friend, Erin, texted me with an offer to bring by a dinner she had made for our family. Yep, offer accepted. I was so relieved to have help that I didn't even care that she saw my house look like it just survived a tornado. When she got here, she didn't judge me for having a messy a sink full of dishes, she just listened to me complain about my day for like a half hour, gave me chocolate, and offered to watch Jack while I took Charlie to the doctor. And all of this after working a 12 hour night shift at the hospital the night before.

I hope everyone has a friend like Erin in their lives. She was a total life saver that day.

At the doctor's office we found out that Charlie had a staph infection in his eye. Wonderful. Cherry on top of my day... but ya know what? I was totally calm at that point because I had so much help from Erin, I was able to sit quietly and listen to all of the doctor's instructions without having to worry about Jack. Such a huge help.

After returning home from the doctor and the pharmacy, Erin confessed that Gordy texted her and asked her to come and help me because he knew I never would ask for help on my own. Guess, I'm a little too prideful or embarrassed to ask or something. He knows me too well.

So, that day I was grateful for a thoughtful husband who takes care of his wife (even when he is working an hour away from home) and saintly friends who take time out of their busy lives to help. Thanks guys. You are awesome.

Oh! and don't worry about Charlie's eye. It's already cleared up.

1 comment:

  1. Bah Jenn! I'm so sorry for a terrible rotten day! Even superwoman has those, I'm sure. I wish my car hadn't been parked in front of your house...I would have snatched up your busy body in a heartbeat! Like the thousands of times you've saved me... You're awesome and deserve good friends :)
